

Psychiatrist Bessel van der Kolk defined trauma as an experience which the individual’s psyche cannot bear, contain, or integrate at that time. Perhaps you have experienced difficult events in your life which you were not able to process at the time they occurred. In my therapy practice, I provide a space to approach and begin to understand how unbearable experiences may have affected you. By committing to therapy with me, you will have a consistent space and time in which to begin getting curious about the parts of you that have gone unexamined.

“Every rite of passage involves a death and a rebirth. The price is the sacrifice. Part of that sacrifice is the giving up of old securities and illusions.”

— Marion Woodman

“The ‘night sea journey’ is the journey into the parts of ourselves that are split off, disavowed, unknown, unwanted, cast out, and exiled to the various subterranean worlds of consciousness… The goal of this journey is to reunite us with ourselves. Such a homecoming can be surprisingly painful, even brutal. In order to undertake it, we must first agree to exile nothing.”

— Stephen Cope